Friday, June 1, 2012

Quick and Easy Shrimp Tacos

Since I have started school, time management has been a bit tricky.  I have been opting for easy meals I can put together easily.  Needless to say, we've been eating a lot of tacos again in the Padilla house.  This recipe is super quick to put together.  I always have these ingredients on hand so whenever I am in a pinch I whip up this dish. 

I always buy the frozen large prawns and keep them in my freezer.  The part that takes the longest is defrosting the shrimp.  I throw the bag in a sink of cold water as soon as I get home and try to unwind from school.  It's usually ready to go in about 30 minutes.

Shrimp Tacos
1 lb cooked large prawns peeled
1 white onion diced
2 garlic cloves diced
1 bunch cilantro chopped
1 juice of lime
1 pinch salt
Green salsa
Corn tortillas

Roughly chop shrimp so they are about 1/2 inch in length.  In a bowl, mix shrimp, onion, garlic, cilantro, lime juice, and salt.  Heat corn tortillas and top with shrimp mixture.  Top with green salsa.

Crack open some hard cider and call it a night! Tomorrow is another day!

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