Monday, May 7, 2012


"Can I get the gluten free vegan dish with a side of chicken please?"

Recently, I have discovered that I have food allergies. I try to stay away from gluten, dairy, eggs, pecans, peanuts, beer and wine. I like to take traditional recipes and mix it up a bit to fit my dietary needs. There is a Filipino dish that has peanut butter in it called kare kare. I make mine with sunflower seed butter!

My father is an excellent cook and I would like to think that I have half his talent.  My dad is the cook in my family and my mom, well, not so much.  I started to cook at a very young age and when I moved out of the house I made it a point to learn my dad's recipes which he learned from his mom.  When I met my husband he introduced me to a lot of other dishes.  We make a lot of Filipino-Mexican fusion dishes as I am Filipino and he is Mexican.  If you have ever had Filipino food you probably had chicken adobo.  We make chicken adobo tacos.  Yumm!

If you have any dietary issues as I do or just looking for something different to make for dinner, I hope I can provide you with some great ideas.  I will share my latest creation and would love your feedback or your variation to the recipes I post.  I will also post my latest craft project as I love making things and have been sewing at young age.  I am working on launching my Etsy store for my homemade crafts, so be sure to check it out as soon as it's up an running!

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